Thursday, May 31, 2007


im very sad.
cant you tell?
no but really...
being single kinda... sucks.
no, being singe really sucks.
i'll just contunue sighing like a typical teenager and go eat some hersheys.


alexa said...

NO! Don't succumb to the Hershey's!!

It's just chocolate, not love...okay, so it has chemicals in it that simulate love but it's NOT the same...especially when it's sitting on your hips!

Okay, so it's all right to have some Hershey's...just don't go overboard my dear!

Emma said...

Oy, I feel your pain. I occasionally (okay, more than that) want to go drown my sorrows in choc as well, but just remember- it only tastes good for a minute, and then you're stuck with it. Just like The Queen said.

Emily ♥ said...

all of my friends have boyfriends & I don't. it really sucks at first. after a while, you kinda just get used to it. (After all of the jealous feelings pass.)

can you pass me the chocolate, btw...

Anonymous said...

Being single's fab.. You wont realize it until 6 months into ur next relationship. Watch some Sex and the City. It helps.

And if ur going to remain sad, make sure you look super hott when u see your ex.. not super hershey...

power kisses*

Emily ♥ said...

oh hey, would you mind please linking me? :D nobody goes to my blog : ( i love yours & your music player !