Monday, June 25, 2007


ive been tagged. i must post seven random facts about me. prepare yourself.

numero uno: i love floral prints/antique-y stuff. as in disgustingly awesome frumpy dresses as seen on what not to wear.

numero dos: i always seem to be laughing wayyy harder than everyone else. at the exact wrong time. awesome, huh?

numero tres: my dog stinks like no other. no, its not exactly about me but i thought you needed to know.

numero quatro: i love milk. i truly love it. love at first sight, love is in the air. milk can replace any guy: its reliable, delicious, and is actually good for you (unlike some...).

numero cinco: monty python is frigging hilarious. i personally love monty python and the holy grail ("your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"). if you havent seen it, well, ya gotta, so you would understand my little quote! :D

numero seis: after college i want to move to new york to become a designer or makeup artist or a stylist or something like that.

numero sieta: i have a new fasination with cake decorating. it is just so cool! and YOU CAN EAT IT!!!! thats pretty much the only reason.... heh heh heh!

ok, so there you go!

ive decided to do a new little section where i take all the random crap i love, and mash it all up into one super-fantabulous outfit. it shall be called THE OUTFIT OF THE DAY! (even though i dont post every day...)

oodles of toodles!

P.S. what do you think of the first song on my new playlist? if you get a chance check out the video-thats what got my attention for this song in the first place!


alexa said...

BE HAPPY that you only have until December.

My sister had hers on for 6 years.

My cousin had hers on for 9 years.

Yeah. Whoa.

alexgirl said...

What an interesting list. I didn't know anyone liked milk that much.

And are you talking about the Queens of the Stone Age song? I like that band. Have you watched any of the movies on my other blog (, because we used a Queens of the stone age song on our movie, "The Experiment 2". Check it out!! it's a dumb, silly zombie movie.

And Monty Python is AMAZING. Good call.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

hehe I laugh really loud too!!

alexgirl said...

hey, i'm having a contest & giving away a free copy of my book. Hope you'll come check it out!
ps-cake decorating is awesome. I can't wait to get my wedding pics and show you my wedding cake. it was awesome.

alexa said...

You know, practically EVERYONE tells me that Monty Python was the best movie they've ever seen--but I've never seen it, and I don't get the big deal.

What is the BD, huh?